On 25th October, the MA in the Human Rights Department hosted its annual graduation and welcome event with the keynote speaker, Sirpa Rautio, the director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. This year’s graduates were awarded their degrees in the presence of students, families and members of our faculty! The keynote speaker, Sirpa Rautio, then gave a brief overview of their work at EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and the evening concluded with a buffet, offering a chance for networking between different batches of students and professors, commencing the new academic year!

On 25th October, the MA in the Human Rights Department hosted its annual graduation and welcome event with the keynote speaker, Sirpa Rautio, the director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. This year’s graduates were awarded their degrees in the presence of students, families and members of our faculty! The keynote speaker, Sirpa Rautio, then gave a brief overview of their work at EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and the evening concluded with a buffet, offering a chance for networking between different batches of students and professors, commencing the new academic year!