Dr. Janina Heaphy

FAU Forschungszentren
FAU Forschungszentrum Center for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU CHREN)

Room: Room 00.057
Kochstraße 4, Postfach Nr. 5
91054 Erlangen

Janina Heaphy is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for Human Rights (CHREN) , where she teaches and researches on human rights, foreign policy, and security studies. In her doctoral research Janina Heaphy focused on human rights safeguards as strategic tools in foreign policymaking, with a particular emphasize on the development of American, British, and German anti-torture safeguards during the ‘War on Terror’. In her PostDoc, her research interests focus on the nexus of human rights and environmental security with a particular look on political narratives, networks, and policy-making.  Previously, Janina Heaphy worked at the Universities of Leiden, Bamberg, Munich (LMU), and at Aston University Birmingham.